Who can get the vaccine? What is the effectiveness of the vaccine? - Health Aid - Tips For Fitness

Who can get the vaccine? What is the effectiveness of the vaccine?

What is the effectiveness of the vaccine?

What is the effectiveness of the vaccine?

  • What are the possible side effects after vaccination?

Fever, headache, body aches, fatigue, muscle aches or redness at the vaccination site. These can happen to anyone.

  • Can mothers with diabetes, hypertension, asthma, or kidney disease be vaccinated?

Yes. They can also take the vaccine, but if you have these diseases before taking the vaccine, you can take the vaccine after controlling a specific dose with the advice of a specialist doctor. That's why you

  • Who can't get vaccinated?

Patients with fever, uncontrolled diabetes, cancer who are receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy, taking any other vaccine within two weeks, have apparent allergy problems and may be allergic to one of the vaccine components (if any).

  • Pregnant mothers can get Covid 19 vaccine:

Any Covid 19 vaccine can be taken between 14-33 weeks of gestation. (If the government approves).

  • What protection will the fetus get?

Antibodies made in the mother's body can be passed through the bloodstream to the fetus. If the vaccine is completed within 14-33 weeks, the baby will be protected from the coronavirus attack.

  • Will there be any harm to the mother and baby?

(The study (BMJ) found that in countries where pregnant mothers have been vaccinated so far, there have been no problems other than the side effects of the vaccine (which can happen to everyone).

And the study also found no evidence that the baby had any problems.

  • Dairy mothers can get the vaccine:

Of course, you can and will protect the baby by getting antibodies in the baby's body through breast milk from the mother.

It is not likely to harm the mother (except for the vaccine's side effects) and the baby.

  • Pregnant and lactating mothers should take precautions before or after receiving the vaccine:

No. There is no need for such caution. Able to live everyday life.

Everyone gets vaccinated. Be aware; read the mask.

Physical problems after corona vaccination

Physical problems after corona vaccination

Corona infection and death rate is increasing every day. In the meantime, the work of giving the corona vaccine is going on. However, many people are experiencing side effects due to the vaccine. However, doctors say that you will understand that the vaccine is working if you experience mild fever, fatigue, body aches or vomiting after taking the vaccine. Again, many of these side effects may not occur. Many times, this fever, body aches become uncomfortable. Let's look at the key to getting rid of this situation.


After taking the vaccine, there may be pain in the hands (were vaccinated). You can feel pain all over your body. However, doctors have advised not to take painkillers unless there is too much pain after vaccination. Fever can be taken with ordinary paracetamol. If not, Jalpaite can also be given.

Vomiting tendency

It is not uncommon to feel a little nauseous after being vaccinated. You will get relief by drinking lemon water, ginger tea or peppermint tea. It is better not to eat cooked or processed food with too much oil and spices for a few days. Drink plenty of water. In addition, fruit juices, soups, liquid foods should be eaten more.


The hand that is being vaccinated may have swelling and pain within a few hours. This is called covid-arm. You can apply ice to relieve the pain. Swelling of the hands or rash will be reduced by using ice. It is necessary to move the hand little by little so that the writing does not become stiff. You can do some simple stretching exercises on your hands.

Pain in the body

Take a bath with salt in a little hot water to reduce fatigue or body aches. You can dip your feet in a bowl of hot water with bath salt.


This is not to say that exercise cannot be done after vaccination. You will also benefit from doing light training or yoga exercises. But remember, the body needs rest. Needs stretched sleep, adequate rest and some breathing exercises.

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