Eating antibiotics? Foods that should be avoided while taking antibiotics - Health Aid - Tips For Fitness

Eating antibiotics? Foods that should be avoided while taking antibiotics

Are you eating antibiotics? Be careful!

Eating antibiotics? Foods that should be avoided while taking antibiotics

Eating antibiotics? 

Whether it is cold or hot, colds will not go away. The most accessible medicine to cure is antibiotics. But these antibiotics also have some side effects. Here are the things to keep in mind when taking antibiotics:

  1. Take antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. Not an antibiotic if infected with a virus.
  2. Do not take antibiotics as you wish. Eat only with the advice of a doctor. If the dose of antibiotics is changed, the body will suffer the consequences.
  3. Drink 2 to 3 litres of water daily while taking antibiotics. As well as fruit juice. Fluid removes harmful chemicals from the body.
  4. Digestive capacity is reduced even a little by taking antibiotics. So, eat easily digestible food—spicy foods, not fast food at all.
  5. Take antibiotics, vitamins as prescribed by your doctor during antibiotics. Calcium supplements can also be taken. However, do not take iron supplements.

Foods that should be avoided

Doctors recommend taking antibiotics if any infection occurs in the body. However, it is not enough to take medicine; some rules need to be followed. When we have a headache, we sit down and take painkillers. But it doesn't work; then we blame the medicine.

But the real problem is that we eat some wrong food with the medicine, which causes the treatment to be ineffective. In that case, refrain from eating those foods.

In addition, foods that impair the effectiveness of antibiotics should be avoided. Below is a list of those foods:

Grapefruit: It is not advisable to eat grapefruit or its juice while taking antibiotics due to acidity. This is because any acidic substance destroys the effectiveness of antibiotics. Also, refrain from eating other sour fruits like oranges, lemons and similar fruits.

Soda: Soda is harmful to health. The acidity in it destroys the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Coffee and alcohol: Like soda, coffee also contains a lot of acidities. Avoid caffeine and alcohol while taking antibiotics.

Antibiotics and milk do not go together: Milk or dairy foods contain a lot of calcium. Specific components of antibiotics combine with calcium to form granules. As a result, it cannot enter the blood through the stomach. So milk should not be taken with antibiotics. However, there is no barrier to drinking milk two hours before or after taking antibiotics. But yoghurt is an exception. Yoghurt increases intestinal digestion.

Spinach: Spinach contains a lot of iron. It inhibits the absorption of antibiotics.

Eating antibiotics? Foods that should be avoided while taking antibiotics

Antibiotics are constantly losing their effectiveness.

The effectiveness of antibiotics is declining. Helpful antibiotics no longer work as well as they used to. Men and women between the ages of 21 and 30 are leading the way in using these antibiotics. Their usage rate is 22%. Of these, 53% are men, and 47% are women.

The highest sample was taken from urine, 48%. Among the patients, the highest number of samples was taken from the medicine department, 6%. E. coli bacteria are found in 80% of urine samples. The presence of Salmonella bacteria was found in 46% of video cholera and 56% of blood samples in the toilet.

Highlighting the use of antibiotics, the report said that out of 7,046 antibiotic items, 212 were reserved drugs. As such, the amount of reserve drugs is 3%. However, the four reserve drugs Cefepime,

 Linezolid, Ticarcillin and Colistin, are used more. Nephilim is the most commonly used in ICU at 41%. This was followed by 32% in Bern and 24% in the medicine department.

Linezolid is most commonly used in surgery. The amount is 46%. This is followed by 28% in medicine, 22% in ICU and 4% in burns. Triglyceride is most commonly used (95%) in ICU burns at 3% and in treatment at 2%. Colistin is used in 8% of burns and 24% in ICU.

Most of the patients using these four drugs are resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotics are not working well in these patients. So, everyone should be careful when using antibiotics.

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