What to do if the child has constipation and abdominal pain - Health Aid - Tips For Fitness

What to do if the child has constipation and abdominal pain

Children's bodies are very soft. So they can be easily infected with various diseases. In addition to bacterial infections, these diseases can be caused by food, the environment, etc. Abdominal pain is a very common problem in children. Although it is normal, many people take a lot of time to understand that the child has a stomach ache or any problem. There are many causes of abdominal pain. If the cause is identified, recovery from this problem will also match.


What to do if the child has constipation and abdominal pain


Constipation is one of the leading causes of abdominal pain in infants who have just started eating solid foods other than breast milk. If you do not defecate properly for two or three days, it will cause pain in the abdomen. For this, the baby should be given soft food. If the condition is complicated, liquid foods like sagudana, breast milk should be eaten more instead of solid food. Also, some exercises can be done such as moving the baby's legs like a bicycle.


Gas pain

Gas pain is a very common problem when children start being fed a variety of foods. Also, before the bacterial colony called gut microbiome is formed in the gastrointestinal tract (don't be afraid, these are beneficial bacteria) problems can occur which is known as gut immaturity.

In case of such pain, massaging the baby's chest and back with his hands, pressing towards the lower abdomen gives relief. However, if the pain is obvious, you should seek medical help and give the medicine as per the advice.


Allergy to food or milk

If the child is allergic to any food, feeding it may cause symptoms like stomach ache, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Many babies are allergic to lactogen in cow's milk or powdered milk. If allergies are suspected or confirmed, feeding should be stopped.


The doctor's advice should be taken in such complications.



Infections in the stomach can be caused by a variety of bacteria or viruses. These include rotavirus, which causes diarrhea with abdominal pain. Bacteria such as streptococcus, adenoviruses, and botulism can also cause stomach pain and stomach problems in children. There is nothing wrong with having an infection. With proper treatment according to the doctor's advice, these infections get better completely.


Travel Illness

Many children experience nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain as a result of traveling. In such cases, the child needs to be given time to cope with the stress of traveling, and care must be taken not to travel anywhere on an empty stomach.

The baby needs to be taken care of a little more because the illness is not as dangerous as the danger. Meanwhile, winter came again. So keep yourself healthy and keep your baby healthy too.


What to do if the child has constipation

Many children suffer from constipation. Parents are very worried about this. Usually, if a child has difficulty or takes a long time to defecate, then he will understand that he is suffering from constipation.

Many times, due to illness, eating less and drinking less water can cause constipation for some time. However, this disease is more common in the elderly.

There are many reasons why children have constipation. Such as eating habits, drinking cow's milk, physical defects especially anorectal stenosis or congenital anus obstruction, nervous system defects, mental retardation, neurological problems or cerebral palsy, congenital frontal abdominal flesh, loss of body strength or hypothyroidism, hypothermia The disease occurs when there is excess calcium in the body and renal tubular acidosis.


What to do if the child has constipation and abdominal pain


  • There will be a reluctance to eat and drink and a loss of appetite.
  • Abdominal pain will be occasional, may not sniff again.
  • May cause nausea or vomiting.
  • Bodyweight will increase less.
  • The examination will show that the stomach is hard and swollen. If you put your hand on the stomach, the stool will feel hard. The anus will be moist and the sphincter will be open.


The baby should be given plenty of water and fibrous food. Glycerin suppositories may be given initially at home to soften hard stools.

The child needs to develop the habit of defecating calmly.

If there is a fissure in the anus, it should be treated. Consult a pediatric psychiatrist if you have any mental problems.


If these treatments fail, the child will have to be diagnosed with Harasprong disease. In this case, it can be seen that there is no para-sympathetic ganglionic cell when a biopsy is done from the rectum.

The disease is usually caught in 80 percent of the first month of birth and 95 percent in the first year. Symptoms include bloating, vomiting, constipation, loss of appetite, and yellow vomiting.

In this disease, an X-ray will show gas and stool in the stomach. Harassment disease means having gas in rectal ampoules. It has to be treated by surgery. So do not neglect if the child has constipation. Consult a doctor if complications occur.

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