What to do to stay healthy by adapting to corona - Health Aid - Tips For Fitness

What to do to stay healthy by adapting to corona

What to do to stay healthy by adapting to corona
stay healthy by adapting to corona

Lockdown is slowly rising in the corona infection. In this, normal activities may also start. That means Corona has to learn to live with it. According to experts, to protect yourself from corona, you need to make it a habit to follow certain rules all time. Then maybe it will be easier for people to adapt to corona like many other diseases. E.g.-

1. The habit of handwashing should be maintained to avoid corona. If you get on public transport, get out of the crowd, hold the elevator button-door handle or the railing of the stairs, put your hand on something that many people use, give and take money, that hand has to be washed thoroughly before it gets stuck in the nose-face-eyes or anywhere else. Before eating, come out of the toilet and wash your hands regularly. Before going out, you should make it a habit to take a small amount of soap and a sanitizer with 70% alcohol.

2. Ordinary people don't need to wear gloves. If the rules are not followed, the risk of reverse danger is high. For this reason, it is much safer to wash your hands than this.

3. When you go out on the street, always use a mask like now. Will be in the office later. It is best to use a cloth triple-layer mask. However, if you feel problems in the heat, use a large double-layer mask. Return home, wash, and dry the mask with soapy water.

4. Even if you wear a mask, you have to maintain a distance of more than 6 feet with others. If not, it is important to keep a distance of at least 3 feet.

5. Use goggles or sunglasses to keep your eyes safe. Because germs can also enter through the eyes.

6. If you have big hair, tie your hair well and cover your head with a scarf or veil. Because if you use public transport, open hair can fly in the nose and face of others. If that hair gets on your nose and face, it can be dangerous.

7. Use shoes that can be washed regularly when you go out.

8. It is better not to use any kind of ornaments at this time. This is because the corona germs can stay on the metal for about five days. Now it is not right to use the watch.

9. Keep separate cups and plates for yourself in the office. Wash them with soap and water before eating.

10. Refrain from eating out. Take regular meals from home.

11. At this time it is not right to eat anything from any shop on the side of the road.

12. Take off your shoes and enter the room. Spray disinfectant on shoes every day in the sun. Or wash it off. Wash clothes from outside. Use sanitizer to disinfect mobile.

13. Encourage hands and feet to be washed thoroughly with soap and water before entering the house when a workman or other person comes to the house.

14. Special attention should be paid to food. At this time it is better to eat less fried food. Instead, it is important to include foods that increase immunity.

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